AIX BOND is an interest bearing security that obligates the Issuer to pay the Investor (Bondholder) a fixed coupon at pre-agreed and pre-determined dates and to also repay the principal amount of the loan at maturity.
Each investor receives their fixed coupon payouts every quarter directly from the Paying agent as well as receive the 100% payback at maturity from the Issuer, even in a highly volatile market.
AIX BOND is publicly listed on the MTF at the Vienna Stock Exchange under the ISIN codes of CH1108678579 & CH1322333720 and on the Bloomberg terminal.
Meeting or Zoom meeting to discuss in detail about all features of the Bond, subscription process, payout process and payback process at maturity.
Clients have to initiate the Bond’s subscription via their bank using the ISIN number and bond series memorandum provided by AIX Financial Consultation LLC, with assistance from AIX Associate.
Quarterly returns paid out directly to the client’s bank account by the paying agent, ISP Securities AG.
NAV of the bond is available at the Vienna Stock Exchange, Bloomberg Terminal and on the bank account of the client.
Bond Redemption at 100% of its par value by the Issuer at maturity of the bond.
AIX Bond is a fixed income BOND, where the underlying asset management strategies yield a fixed annual income paid at a quarterly frequency.
The returns paid in the form of Coupon rates for the AIX BOND are fixed returns, irrespective of market conditions.
The term of investment for subscribing for the AIX BOND is a fixed period from the issuance date. Depending on the subscription date, the remaining tenure would be the term of the Investment.
There is no Secondary market or liquidity provided by the Issuer but the BOND can be freely transferred to a third party under a private agreement.
The BONDS are issued by a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) incorporated in Ireland whose sole purpose is to issue the said Notes under its approved Program. The SPV is a multi issuance vehicle designed to issue segregated Series of Notes. It can also be referred to as a “Securitization Vehicle”.
The bond is denominated only in EUR currency.